Indian Navy Recruitment 2018 ENGINEERS
Indian Navy Recruitment 2018 |
Applications are invited from unmarried eligible male candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive Branch viz. General Service/Hydro, Technical Branch (General Service) and Permanent Commission (PC) Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre (NAIC) entry in the Indian Navy for Jan 19 Course conducted at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates must fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.
Organization:-Indian Navy
Total Post:-108
Pay scale:-As Per Post
Age:-Born between 02 Jan 1994& 01 Jul 1999 (both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:-
(a) Who Can Apply. Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of
Engineering course in any of the under mentioned disciplines from a recognised educational institute with 60% marks till 5th/7th semester in regular/integrated course respectively.
(b) Call up for SSB. Candidates will be issued Call Up for Service Selection Board (SSB) interview based on their academic performance till 5th/7th semester for all eligible regular/integrated course respectively.
(c) Minimum %age on Joining INA. The candidates will, however be required to pass final
examination (BE/B Tech) with minimum 60% before joining INA. The candidates failing to meet minimum cut off %age will not be permitted to join INA Ezhimala.
General Service/Hydrography Cadre:-40
Technical Branch:-
Engineering Branch (General Service):-27
Electrical Branch (General Service):-33
Job Location:- All India
Selection Procedure. The selection procedure is as follows:-IHQ of MoD reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cut off based on percentage of marks obtained in BE/B.Tech without assigning any reason. No communication will be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for shortlisted candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore/ Bhopal/Coimbatore/ Visakhapatnam during May - Jul 18. Selected candidates will be informed about their selection for SSB interview on their e-mail or through SMS (provided by candidates in their application form).
Application fee:-there is no application fee.
How to apply:-
Candidates are to register and fill application on e-recruitment website The candidates are to apply from 05 Jan to 25 Jan 18.
Important Date:-
Starting date of Online Application:-05-01-2018
Ending date of Online Application:-25-01-2018
Official Notification:-Click Here
Apply Online:-Click Here